The problem that rubber print is easy to occur in winter

In the previous article, we introduced the problem that water slurry is prone to occur in winter. Today we will share with you the problem of rubber cement in printing materials in winter.
1. The Rubber cement becomes thick, the elasticity value drops, and the temperature is not good.
2. Self-crosslinking performance is slow, prone to dry and wet.
1. Rubber cement should be stored at 6 °C.
2. The temperature of the printing work space is kept above 12 °C.
3. It is forced to cross-link dry by using a drying tunnel or a pressing machine. Dry naturally.
4. Strictly control the fake dry of rubber cement, freeze-dry, beware of poor fastness.
5. Adjust the color at 16-20 °C to avoid color change and fog due to cold or heat.
6. Minimize the amount of saponified glycerin and silicon digestive agent to ensure cross-linking space.
7. The frozen rubber cement should not be mixed with the new rubber cement.
There are also problems with photo-sensitive resist that are prone to occur in winter. We will share it in the next article, thank you for watching! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact iSuo Chem.

