What is iSuo Chem silver and gold metallic yarn

Traditional gold and silver threads are metallic yarns made of gold or silver as the main raw material or thin strips of chemical fibers with gold and silver sheen. Traditional gold and silver wires are divided into two types: flat gold thread and round gold thread. The gold foil is bonded to the paper and cut into thin strips of about 0.5 mm to form a flat gold thread, and then the flat gold thread is wrapped around a cotton or silk thread to form a round gold thread. 
At present, some valuable traditional fabrics such as Yunjin still use the traditional gold and silver silk mentioned above.

The gold-silver wire made of chemical fiber film, developed in the 1940s, was produced by cutting two thin layers of aluminum foil with two layers of butyl acetate cellulose film. 
Later, polyester gold and silver threads made of polyester film appeared through aluminum crossing and color coatings. 

The gold and silver threads made of polyester include two-colored gold and silver threads, multi-colored gold and silver threads, rainbow threads and fluorescent threads.

Anhui i-Sourcing newly issued several type of metallic yarns, such as M type, MH type, AK type, MX type, STA type, STAY type, ST type, STJ type, SX type and SEWING type.

