Waterborne polyurethane resin for flocking on TPU shell of mobile phone

TPU mobile phone protective shell is very popular now ,due to the damage of long-term exposure to light, oil stains, sweat stains and other pollution, the original purchase of bright mobile phone shell, after a period of time, the shell will slowly become yellow and dirty, affect the appearance.Therefore, many mobile phone shell manufacturers adopt flocking technology to modify the shell and cover the defects of TPU material through flocking technology.But the difficulty of flocking lies in the choice of glue. Ordinary water-based glue is difficult to adhere firmly to the material, and the phenomenon of hair and skin falling off leads to the failure of flocking.So choose the right water - based environmental protection glue is the key to do flocking.
Good news is our water based polyurethane could meet the requirements as AH-1730 and hardener A01,the following is our process of application:

Preparation materials: TPU mobile phone shell, AH-1730, A01 curing agent, villus, etc
Equipment: spray gun, flocking machine, oven, etc
Operation process:
1. Adjusting adhesive:Take an appropriate amount of 1730 and evenly mix 3-5% A01 curing agent.
2. Spray process:Use pneumatic spray gun to spray the adhesive evenly on the mobile phone shell;
3. Flocking:Quickly put  sprayed mobile phone shell into the flocking machine electrostatic flocking;
4. Dry:Put the flocking mobile phone shell into the oven at 60℃ to dry for 30 minutes;
5. Test:Take out to cool, leave at room temperature for one to two days, and test the flocking fastness with a coin scratch.

