What can solve the problem of non-cracking of acrylic surface?

 Thermoplastic acrylic resin is made on a relatively soft substrate. What can solve the problem of non-cracking?

Answer summary

Q: The problem of internal stress. If the internal stress is removed, it will not crack. This is an early problem.

W: Add Vinyl resin (VAGH). You can add iSuo Chem Ternary Modified type.

VAGH resin

E: Soft resin can be added. If the resin hardness is too high, it will inevitably crack, and the substrate is soft, so a soft resin must be used.

Acrylic resin

R: It is also a good choice to add LTH (50%): 5~8% at the bottom.

T: Choose low Tg acrylic resin and iSuo Chem VAGH resin. We now have a polyester modified acrylic resin with better toughness. You can try it.

