Water Based Polyurethane binders and blocked hardener for textile printing ink and coating

In the textile printing process , most of the printing binder produced in China are acrylates, with hydroxymethyl acrylamide as cross-linked monomer, which will produce free formaldehyde harmful to human body and environment when used.In addition, this kind of adhesive printing, the fabric feel hard, fastness, elastic elongation is small.When printing on some high-elastic fabrics, it is easy to show the bottom.If increase fastness, can increase the amount of vitrification temperature higher monomer or crosslinking agent, although can improve the color fastness, but printing fabric feel hard.Adding a proper amount of water-based polyurethane binders in acrylic system can effectively improve the above properties, especially in the occasions requiring high elasticity

Polyurethane resin binders can endow the film better flexibility and mechanical strength, and can fasten the coating particles on the surface of the fabric fiber.In the printing ink and paste coating, using waterborne blocked hardener too, when the closed end group isocyanate unsealed, can occur cross-linking reaction with the hydroxyl in the fiber, and the large molecule repeat unit contains active hydrogen, and the molecule itself does not react isocyanate base form transactions, further improve the color printing fastness.The sealing waterborne polyurethane has higher requirements in preparation process, and the selection of the sealing agent and the amount of sealing rate directly affect its performance. There are not many reports on relevant studies in China, and there are few products on the market, more of which are acrylic modified waterborne polyurethane products.
For any requirements on water based polyurethane dispersion binder and isocyanate hardener,kindly contact us !

