Water Based Polyurethane resin for textile printing paste & ink

Printing paste is the printing process in the pigment paste, usually used to cover a certain color, to produce another effect of the material.Printing paste is generally water-based printing materials.The base of the printing paste and ink with excellent performance is to synthesize the water-soluble polyurethane resin with excellent performance, which must have the following basic characteristics: 1.It has good ductility, resistance to water washing and sun aging.2, good feel: soft, not sticky.3. Good pigment compatibility: the color fastness of printed fabrics should not be lower than the level of dye printing.At present, the market mainly has waterborne polyurethane resin and waterborne polyacrylic resin printing paste.
Polyurethane resin is the product of the reaction between polyether polyols and isocyanate.A class of polymers whose main chain contains a - NHCOO - repeating structural unit.From isocyanate (monomer) and hydroxyl compound polymerization.Due to the strong polarity of carbamate group, insoluble in non-polar groups, with good oil resistance, toughness, wear resistance, aging resistance and adhesion.Materials suitable for a wide temperature range (-50 ~ 150℃) can be prepared from different raw materials, including elastomers, thermoplastic resins and thermosetting resins.
Acrylic resin is a resin made by copolymerization of acrylate, methacrylate and other ene monomers. By choosing different resin structures, different formulations, production processes and solvents, acrylic resin of different types, different properties and different applications can be synthesized.
For acrylic binder, because of its molecular characteristics easy to absorb dust in the air, light resistance and heat resistance is poor, feel is hard.Waterborne polyurethane has outstanding high elasticity, softness, better water resistance and so on.

For any requirements on water based polyurethane dispersion binder and isocyanate hardener for printing ink,kindly contact us !

