Structural characteristics of CPP resin

The specific structure of chlorinated polypropylene determines its special properties.
1. The melting point of chlorinated polypropylene decreases rapidly with the increase of the degree of chlorination, when the mass fraction of chlorine is 30%
The point is the lowest, and as the chlorine content increases, its melting point rises sharply again. Homogeneous and heterogeneous chlorinated polypropylene has the lowest melting point.​
2. The relative solubility of chlorinated polypropylene becomes larger as the degree of chlorination increases. For homogeneous reaction CPP
CPP resin reacting with heterogeneous phase, when the degree of chlorination is equivalent, the former is more soluble than the latter; when the solubility is equivalent,
The chlorination degree of the former is only 1/3 of the latter. The solubility of C P P in the solvent has a great relationship with the temperature.
Under similar conditions, the dissolution of heterogeneous products should be carried out at a higher temperature. CPP and most resins have Good compatibility, such as Gumaron resin, petroleum resin, rosin, phenolic resin, alkyd resin, maleic acid Resin and coal tar resin. Chlorinated isotactic polypropylene is usually insoluble in polar solvents, but soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons,Halogenated hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons and other solvents.
3. When the degree of chlorination is 30%, chlorinated polypropylene has a crystal structure; when it is less than 30%, it is difficult to dissolve in
In the solvent. At room temperature, it is easier to gel, and it is easily dissolved at a higher temperature.
Increasing and decreasing, it has a linear inverse relationship with the degree of chlorination. The gel temperature is also related to the concentration of the solution.
The gel temperature increases with the increase of the solution concentration at the chemical degree.
4. Chlorinated polypropylene can produce good adhesion to polypropylene. Heterogeneous chlorinated polypropylene has High crystallinity, its adhesion is greater than homogeneous chlorinated polypropylene, while the adhesion of the two increases with the degree of chlorination
As it becomes smaller, the concentration of the solution increases, and the viscosity of the solution also increases. The bonding strength of chlorinated polypropylene is also related to the crystallinity Relevant, it strengthens as the crystallinity increases.
5. Chlorinated polypropylene is resistant to acid and alkali corrosion, and also has the characteristics of non-toxicity, oil resistance, heat resistance and ultraviolet radiation resistance.

